New Language Lessons Paper 1 Higher Level



New Language Lessons has everything you need to maximise marks and improve your grade. Forty class-friendly lessons include all-new exemplar material in line with the latest SEC exam papers and marking schemes.

Practical advice on timing and recommended answer length
Use of the PCLM marking scheme shows where marks can be gained or lost
Graded authentic sample answers with useful examiner’s comments
Class/homework exercises refine exam technique

New extracts and updated questions from Comprehending A and Comprehending B
Critical literacy developed through close analysis of sample texts
Differentiation models of top-grade and middle-grade student responses
Word Power feature provides in-depth study of language use

Improve structure, vocabulary and expression in written compositions

New Language Lessons comes with a free eBook. See the inside front cover for details.

Gill Education eBooks are accessible both online and offline.

192 pages.